Sunday, May 19, 2019

Every Now and Then...

Every now and then, good things do come around unexpectedly.  It was early Sunday morning and I was getting a jump start on the day by washing the pool cover out on the driveway. As I was setting up, a jogger went past and we exchanged greetings. (One always has to acknowledge and encourage a jogger).

About 45 minutes later, he stopped on his return trip just to say thank you to both Claudia and I. It turned out that we had been his teachers in middle school and early high school. He must be in his 40s by now, has a wife and three children, and lives in our neighborhood. We caught up briefly and then he shared that both Claudia and I had been “true inspirations” for him as a student. And with that, he was off again on his run. My day just got a little better.

Has there been someone who has made a difference in your life? Take 5 min. and find a way to share that with them. I think both your day and theirs will be just a little better.